
You’ve written a compelling headline and labored to produce a great article.  You post it to your business blog and wait, wondering why more people aren’t reading your amazing business blog content.  Well, they probably don’t even know it exists.

You’ve wrapped that tasty morsel of content up, but it’s sitting on ice.  We know you want to accelerate your content production and traffic, so let’s get some traction for your  content-based marketing.  Let’s get your work out where customers are already actively reading and sharing, in the fast lane.

Here are a few ways to re-purpose, repackage and release your content into multiple streams that will get your “great stuff” out where your audience is engaged online.

Video1. Make a Video

Take your blog topic and make it a video.  The only thing better than a picture, is a moving, talking one.  Audiences digest content in different forms, and one of the highest engagement forms is video.  Since Google bought YouTube, it’s now the second most popular search engine.  (Hint:  Video counts more than ever for both users and SEO!)

Set up a simple, clean background, get some decent lighting and discuss your blog post topic.   Title your video with optimization in mind and share it.   (Obviously on YouTube) but also on top video-sharing sites like these:

  1. Vimeo
  2. Veoh
  3. Yahoo Screen
  4. flickr (yes, it’s for video, too!)

graphic2. Get Graphic – infographic, that is.

Use the visual impact power of an infographic to deliver  your topic with a new punch.  People learn, like and share better with visuals, and they’re just more fun.  You can create an infographic with a designer’s help or on your own.   Need help getting started?  Check out Easel.ly a free web-based tool with dozens of templates to get you going.

Include an embed code (talk to your favorite web geek here) and share on a few of these free infographic sharing sites.  These are free, and there are many more out there…

  1. Visual.ly
  2. Cool Infographics
  3. Fast Company’s InfoGraphic of the Day
  4. http://reddit.com/r/infographics/

slide show3. Shuffle into a Slide Deck

SlideShare is a highly popular way for professionals, thought-leaders and info-driven service companies to share and enjoy content.  Slide decks perform well in search results and can bolster traffic over the long haul.

To create a slide deck that will work well for your readers, include a title slide, intro slide several (10-15) main points from your blog post, add a quote or two, and finally a “thanks for reading” slide that links back to your blog or landing page.  Each slide should contain one element or point and a great image.  Taaaa-daaaa.  You’ve got a deck to share.  Upload it into SlideShare and include (embed) it in the original blog post as a shareable resource.

Bundle4. Bundle Blogs (and Save)

Got a few blogs on a similar topic or theme?  Are they longer or have more “meatier” content?  Perfect.  They may pull together to compose a whitepaper.

Whitepapers are more formal in tone and offer reference or insights that are shared internally.  It feels like an “insider’s view” on the topic and is helpful information for those you offer it to.   Check out popular whitepapers for your industry,  look for online templates or get a designer’s help to format it for your audience and create an eye-catching cover.

Once ready, share it on sites like KnowledgeStorm, SlideShare, and Scribd.

repeat5.  Post, Extend, Tune-up, Repeat…

You’ve probably noticed the frequent use of the word “share” in this article.  Now that you’ve created several forms of content, keep sharing them!  Incorporate relevant quotes from your writings, pin images, share on Q&A sites, cite (and link to) your whitepaper or article as a reference, share in LinkedIn groups…  Share, share, share!

Then when you think it’s run it’s course, extend with an interview, a webinar or publish it on a new platform.  When a piece of content has relevance, revisit it annually or seasonally.  Perhaps your “top ten of 2014” needs an update to be the “top ten of 2015.”

Go Hit the Gas Pedal!

Great content has a life of it’s own, and you can breathe more life into it by offering it across multiple channels in multiple formats for users to enjoy in the manner they like best.  Whether your business is in Eastern North Carolina or a global enterprise, your content production and sharing will bring results that last over time.  Get out there and rev-up get your content engine!

Want a little info on why great content works? 
Here’s a slide deck from BBB with some 411.



Cindy is the founding President at 17blue Digital Marketing. She's passionate about helping businesses reach their goals and impact their communities.