How to Spot Poor Links that Can Hurt Your SEO

How to Spot Poor Links that Can Hurt Your SEO

Since Google’s 2012 announcement, we’ve known that not all links are created equal. But how does one know whether an inbound link (or backlink) is good for SEO or harmful? And if you find harmful links, what do you do about them?

5 Things Every Company Should Know about their Best Buyer

5 Things Every Company Should Know about their Best Buyer

They buy more and more often. They see the value in your product or service more easily than others. They are raving fans, they recommend you to friends, and they’re easy to work with. You probably wish they had about 50 clones to send your way. Allow me to introduce you to your Best Buyer.

Where to Start when Identifying Your Brand UVP

Where to Start when Identifying Your Brand UVP

If you’re reading this, you likely see the inherent value in being authentic. If you don’t know who you are, it’s very hard to find the clients you serve best and even harder to earn their trust. Defining your UVP is central to developing a believable, trustworthy brand.

What is Digital Marketing?

What is Digital Marketing?

It’s interesting that the obvious disconnect from force interruption marketing has not reduced the amount of information people are sharing and gathering. Your customers are on mobiles, Googling everything, and enjoying social content, video and more – on their own – everyday!

SEO-Buster:  Lose Website Weight this Summer

SEO-Buster: Lose Website Weight this Summer

You’ve heard them. You’ve seen them. The world is buzzing with messages to “slim down for summer.” What if it’s good for your website optimization? What if losing some website weight made your site perform better for users & in SEO?

7 Strategies for Time Management

7 Strategies for Time Management

Time is limited. We get 24 hours in a day and no more. How do some make great progress while others wonder where their days have gone? Here are a 7 strategies to help you maximize the effective use of your time. From the boardroom to the boardwalk, remember these little budgeting tips to tame the time-wasters in your week.