
The old expression “you can’t please everyone” fits well when it comes to marketing your business. Knowing who your key clients are will allow you to release information that resonates with them, resulting in more leads.

Here’s an example.  A tech company who publishes a blog, “Fixing Minor Problems on Your Own,” would miss the mark completely if it’s full of technical terms. Tech-savvy individuals who understand the terms won’t need the blog. The intended audience won’t be able to understand it.

You have something to say, and that’s great, but you have to get it out for people to see. You must determine the best media outlet to reach the right people. A denture cream company wanting to spread the word about a promotion or new formula needs to release their information through channels where their audience is likely to be. Using Twitter or Instagram would miss a bulk of their intended audience; they might not even know what Twitter and Instagram are. You may get some traction on Facebook, but a television commercial, a flyer in the mail, or even an ad in the newspaper would be most effective.

No matter how great your products or services are, if your message isn’t reaching your target audience, you’re losing time and money.

How do you determine the target audience that will help your company continue to grow and succeed? Start by developing a Buyer Persona. A Buyer Persona is built on real data and helps you better understand how your customers think, what they want, and where they are looking for answers. He’re’s a downloadable a worksheet to help you create a Buyer Persona for your company.

Learn more about creating a buyer persona in “5 Things Every Company Should Know about their Best Buyer“.
If you’d like more help, contact our team for a free consultation.


Victoria Owen enjoys reading, writing and curating content for audiences.