

It’s not often that an entrepreneur smiles when they fail. But many fail  – sometimes multiple times – before making it big.  So how do they get from failure to fortune?  From trying to triumph?  Turns out, it’s all in their heads!  The secret is not what they can do, or even what they know… it often lies in their PERSPECTIVE.

The truly successful entrepreneur thinks about success and failure, or risk and reward differently.  And you can too!  Let’s look at the first 5 areas where making an “F” is critical to success.

faith – Success is found by those who believe in their dreams enough to push boundaries.  It takes faith to accept risk, step out of the crowd and take a leap.  You don’t have all the answers, and you probably never will.  Get good advice, do your research, but remember it still takes a leap of faith to make it to the next level.  Don’t wait for everything to be perfect or risk free… pay attention, be prepared, watch opportunities, and LEAP.

fearlessness – For the entrepreneur, risk is a reality and fear is not an option.  Listening to the voice of fear will make you question decisions, or even worse – avoid them. If you let fear hold you back, your dream will drive right past you and leave you sitting on the curb.  It will be scary at times.  It will be hard at times.  Look your dream in the eye and tell fear where to go.  Fear stops your fight and your dream is worth fighting for.

fight– If you aren’t willing to fight for what you believe in, you are already in trouble.  Everyone encounters problems, setbacks, challenges, and resistance.    Whether it’s a distributor issue, payroll problems or dream-killing naysayers…  you can choose to fight or choose to quit. Be passionate and determined.  Meet challenges head-on and discover the freedom found in doing your dream.  Be flexible, but never quit!

freedom – Freedom takes hard work, determination, and flexibility.  Keep an open mind and be willing to learn.  Make sure you are not the smartest person in the room all the time.  Resist the urge to micro manage and build a team you can trust.  If you are willing to stretch and build your team, you will be able to find joy and freedom in what you do everyday.

finesse – As an entrepreneur, you will not manage jobs and positions, you will manage people and leverage opportunity. This takes finesse and a little personality. People will make your business or break it.  Invest in them.  Build a balanced team.  Hire people who compliment your other team members and bring needed skills and perspective to the table.  A finely tuned team will run smoothly in the future.

Stay tuned for Part 2 (#6-10) of “Getting F’s to Make the Grade.”  If you’re getting F’s on your report card, you just might be the most successful person in your circle!


Cindy is the founding President at 17blue Digital Marketing. She's passionate about helping businesses reach their goals and impact their communities.